
30 de marzo de 2019

Erasmus+ "Reporters without frontiers" en imágenes

Después de dos años y medio del comienzo de nuestro proyecto ERASMUS+ "Reporters without frontiers", hay muchos recuerdos de todas las visitas transnacionales con alumnado; visitas que tuvieron lugar en Enero de 2017 (Córdoba, España), Abril de 2017 (Reikiavik, Islandia), Mayo de 2018 (Kefalonia, Grecia), Noviembre de 2018 (Heusesntamm, Alemania) y Marzo de 2019 (París, France).

Durante estos años la cantidad de recuerdos e imágenes es inabarcable; no obstante la profesora Isabelle Bréant, ha elaborado este video-álbum con imágenes de nuestro proyecto a lo largo de todos estos años. Gracias Isabelle!!

23 de marzo de 2019

ERASMUS+ "Reporters without frontiers" in Paris (5th day)

The last day at Lycée Paul Claudel D'Hulst school in our transnational "Reporters without frontiers" project meeting in Paris, students were within their groups, preparing the audiovisual materials for the presentation they have to make at the end of the day.

The presentations were preceded by a short speech by the school headmaster and the coordinator or this ERASMUS+ project, who welcomed assistants and thanked teachers and students for these three years of intense work. 

Students presented their work, impressions and opinions on the interviews they had been doing along the week in the four topics of this visit:

  • Refugiees.
  • Poverty / Gentrification 
  • Nationalism and Xenophobia
  • Health and Sustainable development. 

After their presentations, all participants were given our attendance certificates.

I do not know if it is because the memories of this week are still so vivid or because after three years we know quite well each others, but, no doubt that every visit has something special and this one this has been the warmness and understanding of people. Our friendship has overcome any problem, any circumstances because, above everything, empathy is what entitles our essence as human beings. 

So, thank you, my ERASMUS+ French friends, for being there, for your warm welcome, for you charming smiles, for your time and effort, for your kindness, your collaboration, and so on....

See you soon in Iceland!!

21 de marzo de 2019

ERASMUS+ "Reporters without frontiers" in Paris (4th day)

 In the fourth day of our transnational "Reporters without frontiers" project meeting in Paris, students and teachers began the day attending a conference in the college Paul Claudel on "What can (British) antiracist song do?" by John Mullen, professor at the University or Rouen.

In fact, it was entertaining to listen to and reflect about the lyrics of some rock, punk, among other styles, anti racist and xenophobia songs, although I personally missed some sociological reasons for these songs as well as some deeper explanations for students about some aspects of the cultural context in which they emerged. 

After the conference, students met in the school library to begin working on their presentations. Tomorrow they have to share all their interviews, audiovisual documents, impressions and opinions in order to present the final presentations at the end of the day. 

As part of the cultural programme of this visit, we had a ride by the river Seine on a bateau. Beautiful views of the two islands of the city were waiting for us!!

Bateaux Mouches (French pronunciation: ​[bato ˈmuʃ]) are open excursion boats that provide visitors to Pariswith a view of the city from along the river SeineThey also operate on Parisian canals such as Canal Saint-Martin which is partially subterranean.

At the end of the ride, we took some photographs of the Spanish group next to the Eiffel Tower. 

Students had free time to meet their mates and teachers visited the exhibition of paintings from Emil Bührle´s collection at Maillol museum.

Emil Georg Bührle (1890-1956) was born in Germany and settled in Switzerland in 1924. Between 1951 and 1956, he collected more than 600 works of art. This is the first time in Paris that some of these masterpieces are presented and brought together in the same exhibition.

The exhibition explores several trends in modern art: the great names of Impressionism (Manet, Monet, Pissarro, Degas, Renoir, Sisley) and post-impressionism (Cézanne, Gauguin, Van Gogh, Toulouse-Lautrec), the early 20th century with the Nabis (Bonnard, Vuillard), the Fauves and the Cubists (Braque, Derain, Vlaminck), and the Paris School (Modigliani), and finally with Picasso.

20 de marzo de 2019

ERASMUS+ "Reporters without frontiers" in Paris (3rd day)

Today all the groups in this ERASMUS+ transnational meeting have visited Rodin Museum, which is near the school. 

It is a museum that was opened in 1919, dedicated to the works of the French sculptor Auguste Rodin. It has two sites: the Hôtel Biron and surrounding grounds in central Paris and just outside Paris at Rodin's old home, the Villa des Brillants at Meudon (Hauts-de-Seine). The collection includes 6,600 sculptures, 8,000 drawings, 8,000 old photographs, and 7,000 objets d’art. The museum receives 700,000 visitors annually.

While living in the Villa des Brillants, Rodin used the Hôtel Biron as his workshop from 1908 and subsequently donated his entire collection of sculptures (along with paintings by Vincent van GoghClaude Monet, and Pierre-Auguste Renoir that he had acquired) to the French State on the condition that they turn the buildings into a museum dedicated to his works.
The Musée Rodin contains most of Rodin's significant creations, including The ThinkerThe Kiss, and The Gates of Hell. Many of his sculptures are displayed in the museum's extensive garden. The museum includes a room dedicated to the works of Camille Claudel.

After this visit, groups 1 and 3 were taken to "Les grands voisins"It is situated in the former Saint-Vincent de Paul Hospital and it is a place that offers accomodation to immigrants and people in need.
Moreover, the hospital complex was transformed last September into a utopian village mixing emergency accommodation and solidarity, artistic, entrepreneurial and associative projects. 
After the visit, students have free time to meet their families and/or go shopping. 

19 de marzo de 2019

ERASMUS+ "Reporters without frontiers" in Paris (2nd day)

Today students and teachers in Group 1 (working in Refugees topic) have visited the association Paul Clever aimed at helping refugees integrate into French society. 
Pierre Claver is located in the heart of Paris, steps away from the National Assembly. This location makes Pierre Claver easily accessible for, not only their students, but also their French friends.

This private association was founded ten years ago and is basically a school. It relies only on private funds. 

Our students interviewed the director of this association, Hamman, and the woman in charge of it. 

ERASMUS students showed their interest about the origins of the association, their objectives, the kind of help they provide to refugees, etc... And this is part of the information they got for their final report:

Pierre Claver offered a place for asylum seekers to meet the French and study while waiting to be granted refugee status in France. Pierre Claver continued to offer assistance after students receive a residence card and work authorization. 

This assistance can take the form of guidance in their job search or further education that fits the student’s abilities and desires. Pierre Claver has partnered with a diverse group of institutions to finance the continued education of former students.

Today, the Association has chosen to concentrate its efforts on the actual integration of those who had already been granted refugee status. They propose an intensive program of  six months for those who still desire to improve their French language and culture, in order to find a job better adapted to their competence,  apply for French citizenship or pursue higher education in France.

The school welcomes 120 students every semester. This small size fosters a true community between students. They are a family there and many of their former students continue to engage with the association by helping new students adjust to life in France.

By enrolling in Pierre Claver, students promise to respect the rules of this establishment: a commitment to being an active participant in every class and a promise to always engage in a respectful and friendly manner to all classmates and teachers.

All those who are enrolled in Pierre Claver are welcome at any hour: to learn French, to take part in cultural activities such as theater or dance, to meet with friends, take part in sports and cultural events, or even just to use the Internet.

At the end of the interview, we had lunch there. It is open as a restaurant too and I must say the food is excellent. 

After lunch, we came back to school and teacher Salát took us to make a city tour around one of the most popular areas: first in Boulevard Saint Germain and then around the Quartier Latin, where, among other places, we visited the oldest church in Paris, la abadía de Saint-Germain-des-Prés and the house in the rue des Grands Augustines, where Picasso lived and painted. his famous "Guernica".

We finished the tour walking back to the school having a stroll along the river Seine. 

18 de marzo de 2019

ERASMUS+ "Reporters without frontiers" in Paris (1st day)

"Reporters without frontiers" ERASMUS students and teachers participating in this mobility, arrived in Paris on Saturday 16th March.
At the airport both ERASMUS+ projects in our school met: KA219 project students to Paris and KA103 project students to Varsov, Poland.

During the weekend, students visited the city with their host families.
On Monday 18th, we were received by teachers at the host school,
Lycée Paul Claudel D'Hulst, located in the center of Paris, and invited to have breakfast.

After it, students from all the contries (Iceland, Greece, Germany and Spain) presented their travel books
They are a constant in our ERASMUS+ project: Weeks before the mobility the country that hosts the transnational meeting sends the rest of countries photos, sounds and videos for foreign students to prepare a presentation about them. These audiovisual elements are related to monumental and cultural aspects of the country and students have to describe what they think the photos, videos and sounds are and their impressions on them. This is the Spanish Travel Book.

After the presentations, we had some ice-breaking activities in order to know ourselves a little bit more, and took the group photo with all the participants.
Then, students and teachers, in the four different groups, began to prepare the interviews they are going to have with experts and associations working in the following topics:
  • Refugiees.
  • Poverty / Gentrification
  • Nationalism and Xenophobia
  • Health and Sustainable development.  
We had lunch at the school canteen and after lunch, group 1 (where I have been assigned) and 3 went to watch the photographic exhibition at LE BAL. We saw the exhibition "Scenes" by Alex Majoli.
Although his works are series of photographies on different countries (Congo, Brasil, etc..) there was a big wall of 30 photographies that reflect the raising of nationalisms in Europe: The crisis of refugees, Political demonstrations, humanitarian emergencies and moments of daily life. 

LE BAL Alex Majoli Exhibition
What holds all these disparate images together, at first glance at least, is the quality of light and the sense of human theatre. A sense that we are all actors attempting, failing and resisting the playing of parts that history and circumstance demand; and a sense that we are all interconnected. Somehow. 

Groups 2 and 4 interviewed the second district major´s manager assistant, les vertes, the green party. This is the only green party in Paris districts. Afterwards, they walked around Palais Royale and the Louvre pyramids. 

Finally, students went home with their mates and teachers had a meeting in order to arrange the next tasks in our project and the next coordination meeting in Iceland.

ERASMUS+ web IES Ángel de Saavedra

13 de marzo de 2019

Buenas Prácticas ERASMUS+ KA1 y KA2

En representación del profesorado participante en los proyectos ERASMUS+ del IES Ángel de Saavedra, Esteban Pérez Lacort, profesor de Historia y subdirector, Luis Miguel Prados, profesor de Historia y coordinador del KA101 y yo, profesora de inglés y coordinadora del KA219, presentamos ayer dentro de las Jornadas de buenas prácticas en ERASMUS+: Proyectos KA1 y KA2 del CEP de Córdoba los proyectos Erasmus que actualmente se desarrollan en nuestro centro y que son:

KA219 "Reporters without frontiers"

KA101 "Ciudadanía, idiomas y patrimonio europeo en el aula"

KA103 "Formación en empresas para ciclos formativos"

En este PDF descargable de uno de los documentos que mostramos ayer en las jornadas, se puede acceder a los enlaces (catálogo RWF, Phototopics, informe del equipo educativo, Web Erasmus del IES Ángel de Saavedra, entre otros).

La otra presentación de nuestro centro la hizo Luis Miguel y se puede ver en este enlace.

Con una amplia trayectoria en la participación en programas europeos, los proyectos desarrollados por el alumnado y el profesorado del IES Ángel de Saavedra han propiciado el avance en la atención a la diversidad de los docentes, tanto lingüística, como cultural, el desarrollo de sus habilidades lingüísticas, el intercambio de experiencias educativas con profesorado extranjero y el conocimiento de los recursos y metodologías docentes implantados en otros países. Por parte del alumnado, la participación en proyectos Europeos ha promovido su proceso de europeización, el conocimiento de culturas y patrimonio en Europa y la mejora de la comunicación.
Desde aquí mi reconocimiento y admiración a todas las buenas prácticas ERASMUS+ presentadas en las jornadas por los centros de nuestra provincia: IES Medina Azahara, IES Santos Isasa, IES Colonial, IES Guadalquivir

La calidad del trabajo realizado por coordinadores y equipos implicados en ERASMUS+, las actividades del alumnado, antes, durante y después de las movilidades y la repercusión en el aula de la formación del profesorado a través de los cursos de formación en el extranjero y las job shadowing, dejan constancia de que los proyectos ERASMUS+ son fuente de enriquecimiento, académico, profesional, lingüístico y cultural, tanto para el alumnado como para el profesorado. 
La jornada hizo visible que la participación en los proyectos ERASMUS+ son parte importantísima del proyecto educativo del centro. Son un pilar de la cultura del centro y señal de identidad del mismo. Así que mi enhorabuena a todos los ponentes y ánimo para seguir viviendo la aventura ERASMUS+.

Mi agradecimiento también a las asesorías del CEP por su invitación a estas jornadas. 

A continuación uno de los vídeos que mostramos en las Jornadas, en el que Esteban Pérez Lacort nos resume la participación del IES Ángel de Saavedra en programas europeos desde que estos se iniciaron (1987).

Nuestro agradecimiento también al profesorado y alumnado de los ciclos de imagen y sonido por la grabación y montaje de los vídeos, en particular al profesor que ha coordinado este trabajo, Antonio Ayala.

Y finalmente, en estos otros vídeos, profesorado del equipo ERASMUS+ y alumnado participante en la última movilidad a Alemania nos hablan de esta experiencia:

Enlaces a otros materiales de las jornadas:

11 de marzo de 2019

ERASMUS+ Reporters without frontiers. Próxima movilidad de alumnado a París

Programa ERASMUS+ Movilidad París
Durante la próxima semana, del 16 al 23 de marzo, coordinadores, profesorado y alumnado de los cinco centros participantes en el proyecto ERASMUS+ "Reporters without frontiers" tendremos la ultima movilidad con alumnado dentro de este proyecto. 

En esta ocasión viajan cuatro alumnos de primero de bachillerato y una alumna de segundo de bachillerato. 

Nos reuniremos en el colegio francés Lycée Paul Claudel D'Hulst, situado en pleno centro de París, aunque también el alumnado tendrá que realizar entrevistas fuera del centro. 

Este es el  Programa de esta próxima semana en Lycee Paul Claudel d´Hulst.

Los temas sobre los que estos "reporteros sin fronteras" trabajarán en esta ocasión son:
  • Refugiados
  • Pobreza /gentrificación  
  • Nacionalismo / Xenofobia 
  • Salud y economía sostenible. 
Esta semana se han expuesto los dos prohototopics en los que estos alumnos y alumnas han trabajado estas últimas semanas previas a la visita a París y que llevan por título: "Friends forever" y "I would have never shown it to anybody".

Aquí se puede ver un pequeño resumen de los últimos phototopics expuestos en el tablón ERASMUS del centro:

Por último, coincidiendo con la visita a nuestro centro de dos miembros de la asociación ACNUR, y puesto que uno de los temas de este proyecto es la crisis de los refugiados, el alumnado que participa en esta movilidad a París, les ha hecho una serie de preguntas sobre la labor de esta Asociación del Alto Comisionado de las Naciones Unidas para los Refugiados. 

A continuación, una parte de la grabación de la misma:

Enlace a la sección ERASMUS+ en la web del IES Ángel de Saavedra

7 de marzo de 2019

Secuencias Didácticas de Currículo Integrado en torno al Día Internacional de la Mujer

Durante esta semana y la próxima, con motivo del Día Internacional de la Mujer, en las áreas que participan en el proyecto bilingüe del IES Ángel de Saavedra,  se desarrollarán diversas secuencias didácticas integradas en torno a esta efemérides.

Es nuestro proyecto interdisciplinar del segundo trimestre. En el se integran  los objetivos y contenidos de todas las áreas que participan en nuestro proyecto bilingüe, partiendo de unos objetivos comunes y específicos por áreas y llegando, a través de las actividades programadas según la metodología AICLE, a la elaboración de distintos productos finales donde el alumnado será evaluado con diversos instrumentos a lo largo de todo el proceso.  

Tal como hiciéramos en el primer trimestre con las secuencias de currículo integrado en torno a Halloween, la celebración de esta otra efemérides, el Día Internacional de la Mujer, nos ha parecido  una temática apropiada para desarrollar el proyecto interdisciplinar de este segundo trimestre.

El motivo de esta elección es doble: por una parte, todas las áreas pueden realizar aportaciones relevantes al mismo dentro del currículo de cada una de ellas; por otra, porque vemos imprescindible la prevención de casos de machismo y, para ello, es necesario que el alumnado conozca el derecho de la mujer en la participación, en pie de igualdad con el hombre, en la sociedad y en su desarrollo íntegro como persona; una lucha por sus derechos que aún sigue viva.  

En el cuadro más abajo se resumen cuáles son las actividades programadas y/o productos finales por cursos y áreas que se han desarrollado dentro de este proyecto interdisciplinar bilingüe y que se expondrán en la rotonda de la planta baja del instituto.

Enlaces a la web DACE con imágenes de actividades en este proyecto:

A continuación algunas imágenes de la exposición de la línea del tiempo de las mujeres científicas y de la actividad Gymkhana sobre tareas domésticas.

"International Women´s Day" en el IES Ángel de Saavedra: