
2 de mayo de 2012

St. George's Day and May Day

Siguiendo con el programa del curso "Learning and Teaching English celebrations", en la sesión anterior, Neda Milenova, una de las ponentes en esta actividad de formación dirigida al profesorado de inglés y al que imparte su materia en esta lengua, nos habló de estas dos celebraciones: St. George's Day y May Day

Aquí se puede consultar su presentación:

Interactive activities, lesson plans, activiites to print, etc... (St. George's Day)
St. George and the Dragon
Other links (St. George's Day and May Day)

Neda's entry on the blog of the course:

"Here is an article on the three traditions of May Day form The Guardian. I think that International Worker´s Day is a good chance to raise all kinds of issues with our students related to human rights. The BBC has some lesson plans  on a wide variety of subjects which come under the umbrella of Citizenship (a subject taught in British schools) - just click on one of the headings on the main page and it will take you to a page with a lesson plan and some other online activities, such as animations, photo stories etc...
You can also watch a short video on the history of Labour Day (USA) here.
If you´d like to introduce St. George to your students, I have included a couple of links to videos in my list and  here is a site which offers the possibility to download visuals for teaching the Dragon Legend (good for younger students)".

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