
22 de septiembre de 2014

Why is it important to learn English?

Hemos culminado la primera semana de clase. Ya conozco a mi alumnado, hemos realizado las pruebas iniciales preceptivas y también ha habido tiempo para llevar a cabo algunas otras actividades.

En este caso, y para comprobar vuestro nivel de competencia comunicativa del idioma, hemos visto dos presentaciones para debatir sobre la pregunta "Why is it important to learn English?"

A continuación tenéis estas presentaciones. 
Os pido que dejéis un comentario a esta entrada del blog que refleje vuestras razones para aprender inglés. Se trata de un ejercicio opcional que os contará como nota complementaria para la evaluación del área de Inglés. 

Otras actividades complementarias de esta semana:

Comprensión escrita sobre un texto un tema de "última hora": el referéndum escocés.

Más textos para la comprensión escrita, según vuestro nivel, en la web "News in levels".

20 comentarios:

  1. Gracias por el "news in levels". No lo conocía. Mi sitio favorito de características similares es el "breakingnewsenglish.com"; me encanta la entonación del locutor y las posibilidades que ofrece.


  2. Gracias, Víctor. Sin duda, es otra web interesante para obtener recursos para el área de Inglés.

  3. I think it's good to learn English because:
    ·Serves to pass the subject.
    ·To comunicate with others people in English.
    ·To work in some jobs.
    ·To learn more languages.
    ·We must speak English to travel abroad.
    ·To get a promotion in my jobs.
    ·To read books, in original language.

  4. I think it's important to learn English because you'll have more opportunities to find a better job and to get promotions; you'll be able to travel abroad, learn more English and communicate with foreigners because English is a global language so you can talk to people from all of the world; and you can watch series, films, TV programmes on the original version for example.

  5. I think it's importantant to learn English because with this you can travel around the world, get the certificate of university, know new culture, find a job and get a promotion and like English itś the most important language in the world you can talk and communicate with everyone

  6. I think it's important to learn English because:
    -To work in some jobs.
    -To watch movies, in original language.
    -Serves for find works.
    -We must learn English to travel abroad.
    -Because is universal language.
    -To meet people all the world.
    -To read books in original language.
    -To watch series as How I met your mother or The Big Bang Theory in original language.

  7. Why learn English? And why not? The English is a language that allows you:
    -To meet more people.
    -To get a promotion in your job.
    -To communicate with foreigners.
    -To understand films, Tv series, songs... in the V.O.
    -To travel to more places.
    And many more things

  8. I think it's important to leaarn English because now a days people need get on touch with others , so we have to speak the same language and the best and easy language it's English, it's a global language.

  9. I think it's important to learn English to communicate with people from different countries. English is the international language and it is very important to learn to go abroad to work,holiday...etc. It's very important to search work out to the country.

  10. Hello, my name is Mercedes Soler,my class is 1ºD.

    English is one of the most important languages in the world.
    It's neccessary to have a basic level of English when you travel around the world. Specially in Europe.

    To communicate with other people or for reading magazines or newspapers in their original language.

    When I'll finish my studies, English could be useful to find a job and then to get a promotion.
    I love English songs and I really enjoy when I can understand the lyrics.
    In my opinion, English is a subject which should be mandatory at school and I have to pass my exams. One of the best thing about English is that I expand my knowledge.

    In my opinion the best thing about English is that I can understand movies , the way they were originally meant to be watch.

  11. I learn english because I find it useful for my future and my present too.
    I can talk with foreigners because english has become the universal language.
    I prefer to see series in their original version, so if I improve my english I could understand them better.
    And it's important for my future to find a good job or to get a promotion.

  12. Nowadays learn English is very useful. It is a very good tool to get a good job or get university degree. You can practice the language in different parts of the world and thereby do sightseeing and visit new places.

  13. I think it's importantant to learn english because communicate with people of other countries, you can travel around the world and you read magazine, newspaper from others countries.

  14. I think it is good to learn English becuase we need comunicate with others people from others countries , the global language is English , so we have to know and learnIt is important for daily life and at job

  15. I think that English is very important to face to the modern world. Also is very important to communicate with persons os other countries, to get a job or a better job, to go abroad and travel, and certainly to pass the exams that are very important!

  16. I think that studying English will help me meet new people from unknown sites. To talk with them on any social network or in person. Perhaps you meet my new best friend. I will also help for promotion at my job. I think that having a basic level of English is necessary especially in Europe. In conclusion, I believe that learning English is something quite important.

  17. I think that it's important to learn English to meet people, to know other cultures, to go to other countries, to chat with foreign, to have a better job or promotion in your job, to pass exams in thw school and to understand songs, films, books, TV series... in the Original Version.

  18. I think it's good to learn English because:
    -Many of my favourites songs are in English so I can understand the lyrics and enjoy them more.
    -I can see films and read books in original language.
    -I can get a job where i have to know English to work on it.
    -English is the universal language so I can talk with people from other countries.

  19. I think that it´s important to learn English because you'll have more opportunities to find a better job, also you can speak with foreigners and you see series or films in Original Version and read a book or the newspaper in english.

  20. English is one of the most speaker languages in the world and,therefore,it's very important to learn it.
    It helps you to communicate with persons of other countries,to get a job more easily,to watch series or films in original version or to pass the English exams,of course.
