
3 de octubre de 2017

Erasmus+ "Reporters without frontiers" project promotion and dissemination

All participants in ERASMUS+ projects are encouraged by the European Commission to share (or disseminate) their successes; this simply means to spread widely. 
Even after your project finishes, the successes can still have an impact in the future.

The main aim is to spread the word and endorse the project’s results. It can help create new opportunities to extend the project and develop partnerships for the future. 

Our ERASMUS+ project "Reporters without frontiers", coordinated by the German team participating in the project together with France, Greece, Iceland and Spain, has also considered some dissemination activities as part of reporting requirements.
Apart from the readers and catalogues that we prepare in all visits, in this promotion and dissemination of our project, we are using, among others, the following tools:
- Our website "Reporters without frontiers: 2016-19updated by the French team. 
Moreover, in our school we are updating at the moment the news related to the last ERASMUS+ visit (Iceland) on the school webpage.

- The media. In all our visits, the local media has helped; getting the media to talk about your project helps to share what you are doing with a larger audience. 
- Social media: with the hashtag #erasmusplus you can also give evidence of the success of your project, news, etc...

- Edmodo platform: for teachers and students to get in touch, update information, etc... before every visit. 
And personally I am using this, Blog de Pilar Torres, to share the information about "Reporters without frontiers" project, in general, and about detailed activities  carried out in our school.
We are having a school exhibition with photos and videos, books, leaflets, etc... ,in our ERASMUS+ corner, related to the visit to Iceland we made in April. This is another way to promote and disseminate your project.
Below you can see one of the student groups visiting the exhibition while Esteban Pérez explained them the details of our project:

Finally, the four students who travelled to Reikiavik in the last visit of our project gave a conference to other students in our school and to those at IES Grupo Cántico on their experience on this project and the reports and interviews they made in Iceland.
On the right you can see some photos of this conference.

And this is the video recording of this conference on the visit to Iceland.

Other interesting links:
Eramus+ visit in Córdoba.
Erasmus+ visit in Reikiavik
Spanish students´travel book on Iceland.

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